
Youhavetousepointedtweezers:oneendonbattery+,anotheronACcontactforthreesecs.,Insidethebackplateofthewatchthereisanote.Afterbatteryreplacement,contactACwithbattery()usingtweezers.Whatdoesthatmean ...,Useyournon-magnetictweezerandputonepointofthetweezerintheholemarkerofthewatchasnegativecharge.Youhavetoplacethetipofthetweezerin ...,Customer:OnmyCasioSeaPathfinderwhatdoesAfterbatteryreplacementco...

How do i do this.After battery replacement, contact AC with (-)

You have to use pointed tweezers: one end on battery+, another on AC contact for three secs.

SOLVED: I am replacing the battery - Casio

Inside the back plate of the watch there is a note. After battery replacement, contact AC with battery( ) using tweezers. What does that mean ...

Expert Q&A: Casio Battery Replacement

Use your non-magnetic tweezer and put one point of the tweezer in the hole marker of the watch as negative charge. You have to place the tip of the tweezer in ...

Casio Sea Pathfinder Battery Replacement Q&A

Customer: On my Casio Sea Pathfinder what does After battery replacement contact AC with battery(+) using tweezers mean. What point is AC in ...

CASIO 電子錶自行更換電池~沒畫面

CASIO 電子錶自行更換電池~沒畫面上面有一張小貼紙after battery replacement contact ac with (-) using tweezers好像是要RESET的意思.

Anyone know if there's a trick to reset after battery replacement for ...

1 - you need to do an AC reset. This needs to be done after battery replacement. There is a copper pad on the module marked AC. You need to short this ...

Please help : rcasio

You need a CR2025 battery. Once replaced, use tweezers to touch the two holes marked AC and (-) as shown on the metal around the battery.

AC Reset Casio Baby Shock 5194

The sticker said After battery replacement, contact AC with (-) using tweezers Now I'm stuck doing the AC reset. I know that I have to short-circuit AC with ...

How To AC Reset After Battery Replacement G-Shock GA

Juat got a quote to replace battery at shop. $45 w 30 day warranty or $55 w 5 yr. I said no and order 4 batteries for $7.

How To AC Reset After Battery Replacement on Casio G Shock

Here is a quick tutorial on How To AC Reset After Battery Replacement on Casio G Shock. This tutorial will work for most Casio G Shock watch ...